

Spanish wedding with flamenco style

11 октября 2019-211

Spanish wedding with flamenco style

Venue for wedding in Barcelona:

An authentic venue, filled with warmth and passion, as if embodying the soul of Spanish flamenco. Here, in this space with its mysterious skylights, every stone and step is imbued with the history and energy of Spanish culture.



The couple:

He embodies strength, while she, in her fiery passion-colored dress, radiates genuine elegance and sensuality. Their gazes intertwine like a flamenco dance, where every movement expresses an indescribable force of love. 





Creative fusion:

In this project, we applied a mix of floristry, art, and food decor. In the fiery glow of red hues, amidst the abundance of blossoming berries and fruits, the air is filled with the aromas of figs, strawberries, and blackberries, giving a sense of fervor and abundance. Black candles, placed throughout the space, symbolize the secret desires and passions that melt in the hearts of the lovers.







Intimate ceremony:

On the steps, surrounded by warm light, as if framed by the flame of flamenco, they exchange vows and promises before their closest. At this moment, the world stands still, and all eyes are on them, acknowledging this magical bond.


“Edward and Lily. You are real dreamers – bright, extraordinary. Rebels of our time. You are the ones who see things differently. You don’t like rules, you make them yourself.”






111 октября 2019-211


Barcelona stroll:

For the couple, a walk through the narrow streets of Barcelona was organized. They blend with the rhythm of this vibrant city, where every corner is permeated with the aromas and sounds of flamenco. Everyone they meet smiles at them, admiring this sincere and vibrant love that illuminates their path. 











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